Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Are you having problems letting go of stinkin’ thinkin’? Do you ever find yourself caught up in stinkin’ thinkin’? This is when the voice inside your head is telling you everything that is going or could go wrong instead of what is going right. As these negative thoughts pile up, it can cause feelings of overwhelm or despair. Everyday our inner voice is telling us things that are, quite honestly, not serving or helping us. Turns out, according to the National Science Foundation, we have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Let that sink in. I can’t even count that high! Out of…
How to Communicate When You’re Upset
Over the past several months most people, myself included, have experienced what I call a “rollercoaster of emotions”. These emotions have ranged from fear, frustration, stress, anxiety, loss, and sadness, to irritability, anger, and outrage. When emotions are high, it’s hard not to react to the changes happening around us or the things we see, hear, and experience. The mental strain and stress of quarantine is taking a toll on individuals, children, and families. Just the other day I found myself wanting to turn into the female version of the Hulk after entering my 11 year old daughter’s room only to find bright, colored paint all over the floor and…
It’s Okay to Ask for Help
By: Christy Pennison, LPC-S It’s okay to ask for help! However, asking for help from others is hard for a lot of people. Maybe this is because we want to be able to do it on our own or we don’t want to be a burden to someone. However, during a pandemic we should not be trying to “go it alone”. In fact, now, more than ever we need to give ourselves permission to ask for guidance. Don’t Struggle to Ask for Help If you struggle with asking for help, ask yourself why? Is it because you are fearful of others’ perceptions? Scared someone will say no? Feel it is…
Loving Yourself to Love Others
Learning to love yourself requires Love. And loving yourself to love others is hard. It’s something we all desire. I haven’t met one person in my life who hasn’t wanted to love or be loved in return. It’s crazy really. This “love” thing. Because no one ever teaches you growing up what love is and what it looks like. Sure, we see examples of love from the people around us, but sometimes those examples aren’t always loving. We get taught the basic subjects in school: english, math, science. But never have I ever gone to a class on love. The Struggle with Loving Yourself to Love Others Unfortunately, I see…
Examine the Beliefs that Hold You Back
Examine the beliefs that hold you back. Have you ever wondered how some people can do things that seem impossible? You’ve likely heard stories about people who have pushed themselves to accomplish incredible feats, defying all odds to overcome unimaginable challenges. So what drives individuals to make possible the impossible? Belief does. When we believe in something, our belief is the driving force that directs our thoughts and actions. For example, at one time people believed the earth was flat. So they acted in such a way that reinforced their belief, never sailing further than the familiar. It wasn’t until someone challenged that belief and exposed the inaccurate belief’s limitations…
The One Thing To Do in 2022
What is the one thing you should do in 2022? Entering a new year is a time to reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go. For many, it’s a time to consider what they want to change in their life. There are many goals you could set this year. Yet, out of all the possible things you could resolve to do, there is one thing you should do in 2022. When I started doing this one thing, my life changed for the better. So, where do I start learning the one thing to do in 2022? Read below to find out! Something Has To Change for…
Live Intentionally
How to Become a Better Listener
Do you want to become a good listener? Have you ever had a conversation with someone who didn’t hear a word you said? How did you feel afterwards? I’m going to guess it didn’t feel great. We all have experienced times in our lives where we have not felt heard or understood. In order to understand each other, we must learn to be able to listen. As a counselor, countless individuals have sat in front of me, whether it be a husband, wife, friend, parent, or child, and say, “They don’t listen to me.” In fact, this may be one of the most common complaints I hear. Lack of listening…
How To Improve Your Mood This Fall
Fall is in the air! I don’t know about you, but I love when we get a little bit of a break from our hot and humid summers. When fall begins, we know the holidays are on our way and time is about to change. The change in seasons can be an exciting time. However, it can also trigger shifts in mood and energy levels. Here are four ways to improve your mood this fall. What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that can occur with the changes in season. This is different than just a brief period of feeling down or unmotivated. Normally, it…
Therapy is for Everyone
Over the past decade in my work as a therapist, I have had the privilege to talk with people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences. Through my interactions with others, I have realized therapy is for everyone. There are many reasons people seek therapy (also known as counseling). Maybe it’s because they’re going through difficult life transitions, experiencing unbearable grief, struggling in their relationships, or stressed out about life. Other reasons people seek therapy is because they are uncertain of how to navigate overwhelming feelings, traumatic experiences, conflict within their family, their child’s big feelings or behaviors, or something else entirely. Gone are the days when therapy is just for…