5 Ways to Support Children with ADHD
Does your child have ADHD? Do you ever feel stuck or overwhelmed trying to connect and communicate with your ADHD child? You are not alone. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is very common in children. Children with ADHD can have difficulty paying attention and concentrating. They can also be hyperactive or impulsive. While some children cope well with their symptoms, other children have more difficulty. Here are five ways you can support children with ADHD. Create a Schedule Making a schedule and sticking to it may seem impossible for busy parents. Creating a schedule, though, can make your child’s day organized and predictable. Parents can begin by slowly integrating…
Connecting with Angry Children 101
Warning: This article is for parents and caregivers who know that they aren’t perfect, who occasionally are afraid to take their kids out in public, who know that they will find nothing monumental in the following article about parenting, but love their kids and are willing to trust their own intuition over any one single “proven” parenting strategy. A teenager and his mom arrived in my office one day, one looking angry as hell and the other at her wit’s end. Her son was in trouble at school, in trouble at home, a behavior problem everywhere he went, with not a single respectful bone in his body. His attitude in…
4 Ways To Cope With Anxiety
Have you ever woken up and felt anxious? Almost like there is a weight on your chest that you can’t explain? You dread starting the day and want to crawl back in bed and hide from the world around you. Do you find it hard to cope with anxiety? This is the whisper (or yell) of anxiety trying to creep its way in. In my own life and work as a therapist, I have found that anxiety, in some form or fashion, is something many people struggle with. With everything happening in the world, it’s not surprising. For some anxiety is debilitating, for others it is a small feeling that…
Feeling Angry? Here Are 3 Steps to Take
Recently, I talked to someone who stated they were feeling angry with their intimate partner. When I reflected back to them that they said they were angry, they looked back at me confused. They responded by trying to say they weren’t really angry, because they felt like it was “not acceptable to be angry with those they love”. Here’s something we should all know, it is OKAY to be angry with the ones we love. In fact, it is inevitable that we are going to feel at least some form of anger towards them at some point. We are human. The important thing is to recognize when we are feeling…
Mental Health is Health
May is mental health awareness month. Mental health is a very important part of our overall health. Each year millions of Americans are affected by mental illness (1 in 5 adults and 1 in 6 youth aged 6-17). One way to break the stigma that continues to surround mental health is to talk about it. The more we talk about it, the more it will encourage those struggling to seek the help they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives. Life Can Be Hard We can all agree life comes with challenges. Many of the challenges we face are not ones we ask for or seek. Yet, they are still things…
Ever feel like giving up? Maybe it’s a task you’re working on, goal you are aiming towards or just life in general that isn’t going the way you thought. You may start to think, “This is too hard. I can’t do this. Is this worth it?” You start compiling the list of reasons why you should just give up. And then one day you find yourself curled up in a hypothetical ball, telling yourself not nice things, ready to throw in the towel. However, just days, weeks, months, or years prior you thought to yourself with adamant resolution, I will not give up on _________ (fill in the blank).” …
The Many Faces of Depression
By: Christy Pennison, LPC-S The many faces of depression can cause a work in your life. Around this time of year when it gets cloudy, rainy, and cold, many individuals can begin to feel “depressed”. You’ve probably heard of depression before, may struggle with it yourself, or know someone who does, but what is depression really? What does it look like? Well, depression can look and feel different from one person to the next. Depression has many faces. As a family member, friend, or coworker you may never know if the person next to you is struggling with depression because they look fine on the outside. They seem “okay”, but…
Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ Are you having problems letting go of stinkin’ thinkin’? Do you ever find yourself caught up in stinkin’ thinkin’? This is when the voice inside your head is telling you everything that is going or could go wrong instead of what is going right. As these negative thoughts pile up, it can cause feelings of overwhelm or despair. Everyday our inner voice is telling us things that are, quite honestly, not serving or helping us. Turns out, according to the National Science Foundation, we have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Let that sink in. I can’t even count that high! Out of…
How to Communicate When You’re Upset
Over the past several months most people, myself included, have experienced what I call a “rollercoaster of emotions”. These emotions have ranged from fear, frustration, stress, anxiety, loss, and sadness, to irritability, anger, and outrage. When emotions are high, it’s hard not to react to the changes happening around us or the things we see, hear, and experience. The mental strain and stress of quarantine is taking a toll on individuals, children, and families. Just the other day I found myself wanting to turn into the female version of the Hulk after entering my 11 year old daughter’s room only to find bright, colored paint all over the floor and…
It’s Okay to Ask for Help
By: Christy Pennison, LPC-S It’s okay to ask for help! However, asking for help from others is hard for a lot of people. Maybe this is because we want to be able to do it on our own or we don’t want to be a burden to someone. However, during a pandemic we should not be trying to “go it alone”. In fact, now, more than ever we need to give ourselves permission to ask for guidance. Don’t Struggle to Ask for Help If you struggle with asking for help, ask yourself why? Is it because you are fearful of others’ perceptions? Scared someone will say no? Feel it is…