• summer mental health

    5 Strategies to Take Care of Your Mental Health This Summer

    When summer arrives, there’s often time for fun and freedom. The season also brings a break from our usual routines. However, it’s important to remember that taking care of our mental health is still important. By using some simple strategies, we can make sure to take care of our minds and make the most of this sunny (and hot) season. Embrace Nature and Sunshine Summer is full of opportunities to get out in nature.  You can enjoy it by getting on the water at one of the many lakes around CENLA, on the Cane River in Natchitoches, or hiking in the Kisatchie National Forest. Spending time in nature has been…

  • small town

    Mental Health Tips for People Living in Small Towns

    People living in small towns can find it difficult to find ways to stay mentally healthy. This can be due to lack of activities or even counseling services in small town areas. It can feel defeating sometimes when you want to feel healthier, both physically and mentally, but don’t know where to start. As someone who grew up in a rural town in Natchitoches Parish and grew up in Natchitoches, mental health was not something that was really discussed or explored. Since our counseling practice recently opened, it has become more apparent that people who have lived their entire lives in this small town may not know all that there…

  • first responders

    Mental Health and First Responders

    First responders work hard to protect our communities and maintain our safety. Their work often involves engaging in very stressful and traumatic situations. They often encounter difficult situations many times a day. Frequent encounters with those struggling with mental health issues can cause compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a mental response to helping others in stress. These encounters can also create misconceptions about individuals with mental health challenges. Misconceptions can create a stigma surrounding seeking mental health support for first responders. Even though a stigma exists, many first responders struggle with mental health difficulties. Reports show 85% of first responders have experienced symptoms of mental health disorders. Depression and PTSD…

  • woman upset about depression

    Depression Lies

    Have you ever been lied to? How did you feel after you found out someone wasn’t telling the truth? Did you feel hurt? Betrayed? Did you wonder why you trusted the person to begin with? Well, depression is often like that. It lies. It deceives. And it leaves you feeling uncertain of whether you can trust yourself. Every year millions of Americans suffer from depression. In fact, the CDC reports 1 in 10 over 18 years of age feel depressed at even given time. And no one is immune. Depression, with its deceptive nature, is not straightforward. There are many factors that contribute to its cause that are specific to an individual’s unique…

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