• Silencing Your Inner Critic

    The words we tell ourselves are powerful.  They shape how we show up in the world and what we believe we are capable of.  After thousands of conversations I’ve had over the years, along with my own lived experience, I have come to realize we all have an internal world unseen by the people around us.  One recurring theme that emerges is the undeniable power of the words we tell ourselves, and the profound impact it has on our mental well-being. Our inner dialogue, that constant stream of thoughts buzzing in our minds, plays a crucial role in shaping our emotions and behaviors. It’s like having a personal narrator, commenting…

  • Conflict–The Way Out is (Talking) Through

    I have met very few people in my lifetime who actually enjoy conflict.  For many, conflict is something they avoid at all costs.  This is because conflict often brings emotional discomfort, as it involves facing different opinions, or tensions that can be hard to navigate.  Sometimes we fear consequences that may result from conflict, such as hurt in relationships, rejection, or even professional repercussions.  Conflict, even on a good day, can cause stress and anxiety–especially if you avoid important issues in the name of “keeping the peace” or not “rocking the boat.” Before I dive into how to address and resolve conflict in a healthy, productive way, let’s first talk…

  • Effective Strategies for Managing School Anxiety

    Managing anxiety while in college can be a tremendous struggle for many students. Whether it’s all the expectations, worrying about not making the grade or feeling swamped. Stress and worry can take its toll on any student’s personal life as well as their academic performance. There are strategies that can help manage your anxiety in school! Being mindful, practicing deep breathing, and seeking professional help are way to help manage anxiety. There is hope out there if you want help conquering these uneasy emotions while in school! Understanding and Recognizing Anxiety in College Many college students are well-acquainted with the feeling of anxiety. Not everyone knows what anxiety is, though.…

  • summer mental health

    5 Strategies to Take Care of Your Mental Health This Summer

    When summer arrives, there’s often time for fun and freedom. The season also brings a break from our usual routines. However, it’s important to remember that taking care of our mental health is still important. By using some simple strategies, we can make sure to take care of our minds and make the most of this sunny (and hot) season. Embrace Nature and Sunshine Summer is full of opportunities to get out in nature.  You can enjoy it by getting on the water at one of the many lakes around CENLA, on the Cane River in Natchitoches, or hiking in the Kisatchie National Forest. Spending time in nature has been…

  • small town

    Mental Health Tips for People Living in Small Towns

    People living in small towns can find it difficult to find ways to stay mentally healthy. This can be due to lack of activities or even counseling services in small town areas. It can feel defeating sometimes when you want to feel healthier, both physically and mentally, but don’t know where to start. As someone who grew up in a rural town in Natchitoches Parish and grew up in Natchitoches, mental health was not something that was really discussed or explored. Since our counseling practice recently opened, it has become more apparent that people who have lived their entire lives in this small town may not know all that there…

  • first responders

    Mental Health and First Responders

    First responders work hard to protect our communities and maintain our safety. Their work often involves engaging in very stressful and traumatic situations. They often encounter difficult situations many times a day. Frequent encounters with those struggling with mental health issues can cause compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a mental response to helping others in stress. These encounters can also create misconceptions about individuals with mental health challenges. Misconceptions can create a stigma surrounding seeking mental health support for first responders. Even though a stigma exists, many first responders struggle with mental health difficulties. Reports show 85% of first responders have experienced symptoms of mental health disorders. Depression and PTSD…

  • man engaging in avoidance

    Escaping the Avoidance Trap

    When the summer heat made its way into town this year, I was excited about getting to cool off in my above ground pool.  But, there was a problem. The pool was a murky, dark lagoon of sticks, leaves, and algae.  Plus, it smelled terrible. Now if you are thinking, “How did she let her pool get that bad?”  Please know, it’s a question I asked myself many times. The truth is the pool didn’t turn into a murky mess overnight. It was a slow progression over a period of 10 months. It all started with me missing cleaning it once one week which turned into two weeks then two…

  • athlete running up a hill

    Athletes and the Mental Game

    Embracing a Mind-Body-Spirit Connection to Create Your Best Performance It was 4am.  I had set my alarm early so I could eat breakfast, get dressed, and mentally prepare for my first triathlon race ever–which also happened to be a half IronMan: an intense day of pushing all physical limits, starting with a 1.2 mile swim, followed by a 56 mile bike ride, and finally a 13.1 mile run. Four months–and for the record, not enough–training for this epic event had brought me, exhilarated, to Memphis, Tennessee, ready to heroically attempt something I had not dared dream possible. The day before the race, I entered the park, looked across the water…

  • Woman taking a deep breath outside near the ocean. Learn strategies to cope with anxiety from anxiety treatment in natchitoches, la. An online therapist in Louisiana is here to help you.

    4 Ways To Cope With Anxiety

    Have you ever woken up and felt anxious? Almost like there is a weight on your chest that you can’t explain?  You dread starting the day and want to crawl back in bed and hide from the world around you. Do you find it hard to cope with anxiety? This is the whisper (or yell) of anxiety trying to creep its way in.  In my own life and work as a therapist, I have found that anxiety, in some form or fashion, is something many people struggle with.  With everything happening in the world, it’s not surprising.  For some anxiety is debilitating, for others it is a small feeling that…

  • Man leaning against wall struggling with anxious thoughts.

    How to Challenge Anxious Thoughts

    Do you ever experience anxious thoughts you can’t escape?  You are not alone.  Many times we can get wrapped up in our head with our thoughts spinning out of control.  And, instead of trying to find a way out or forward, we often dig down deeper into a hole of no return.  When you find yourself struggling with anxiety, go back to your ABCs and take a moment to reflect about your situation before you react.  Attention Notice what your mind is saying.  The first step to being able to figure out everything that’s going on is to just start by noticing what you are actually thinking.  Write your thoughts…

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