• woman upset about depression

    Depression Lies

    Have you ever been lied to? How did you feel after you found out someone wasn’t telling the truth? Did you feel hurt? Betrayed? Did you wonder why you trusted the person to begin with? Well, depression is often like that. It lies. It deceives. And it leaves you feeling uncertain of whether you can trust yourself. Every year millions of Americans suffer from depression. In fact, the CDC reports 1 in 10 over 18 years of age feel depressed at even given time. And no one is immune. Depression, with its deceptive nature, is not straightforward. There are many factors that contribute to its cause that are specific to an individual’s unique…

  • Excessive or loss of sleep can be a symptom of depression. Girl laying on bed.

    Online Therapy for Depression

    If you are feeling depressed, you may wonder if online therapy is right for you. There are many benefits of online therapy for depression. Finding help can often be the turning point to help you get from hopeless to hopeful. What is depression? We all go through various struggles, losses, or events in our life, leading us to feel down, sad, or overwhelmed. However, depression is more than just feeling down. Depression can change how you think, feel, and act in your day to day life.  It causes feelings of hopelessness or despair that won’t go away, inferring with your ability to work, sleep, eat, engage with others, and enjoy…

  • Man journaling feelings. Journaling can be a way to make sense of your thoughts and feelings.

    Journal Through a Pandemic

    When you’re stuck at home during a pandemic, where does your time go?   A recent statistic stated the average number of hours Americans are streaming videos through mediums such as Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube is approximately 8 hours a day.  Think about that for a moment: 8 hours a day!  Kind of shocking right?  In fact, Netflix added 15.77 million more subscribers globally this quarter, many of them added after the onset of quarantine.   During this time it’s important to spend time unwinding.  If streaming the latest video series helps you do that, then that’s okay.  However, if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed, streaming shows can become…

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