5 Benefits of Premarital Counseling
Deciding who you will spend the rest of your life with is one of the most serious decisions you will ever make. Planning a wedding requires a lot of time, energy, and money to get all of the details for your big day just right. However, planning for an actual marriage goes far beyond the wedding day. If you and your future spouse would like to build a love that lasts a lifetime, consider the following benefits to seeking premarital counseling: Provides an Opportunity to Address Issues Oftentimes, having necessary conversations about serious marriage topics can be uncomfortable and challenging for couples to navigate alone. Premarital counseling is a great…
Athletes and the Mental Game
Embracing a Mind-Body-Spirit Connection to Create Your Best Performance Why Did I Feel This Way? Not once in my training had I ever even come close to the required swim pace I would need for this race. IronMan regulations give you 1 hour and 10 minutes tops to complete the swim distance or you are not allowed to move on to the bike and run portion. My fastest time as of yet was something like 2 hours. The day before the race, I became completely depressed. Panic and hopelessness were close behind, and shut down wasn’t too far after. What had happened to all the courage I had felt? My…
5 Ways to Support Children with ADHD
Does your child have ADHD? Do you ever feel stuck or overwhelmed trying to connect and communicate with your ADHD child? You are not alone. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is very common in children. Children with ADHD can have difficulty paying attention and concentrating. They can also be hyperactive or impulsive. While some children cope well with their symptoms, other children have more difficulty. Here are five ways you can support children with ADHD. Create a Schedule Making a schedule and sticking to it may seem impossible for busy parents. Creating a schedule, though, can make your child’s day organized and predictable. Parents can begin by slowly integrating…
4 Ways To Cope With Anxiety
Have you ever woken up and felt anxious? Almost like there is a weight on your chest that you can’t explain? You dread starting the day and want to crawl back in bed and hide from the world around you. Do you find it hard to cope with anxiety? This is the whisper (or yell) of anxiety trying to creep its way in. In my own life and work as a therapist, I have found that anxiety, in some form or fashion, is something many people struggle with. With everything happening in the world, it’s not surprising. For some anxiety is debilitating, for others it is a small feeling that…
Therapy is for Everyone
Over the past decade in my work as a therapist, I have had the privilege to talk with people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences. Through my interactions with others, I have realized therapy is for everyone. There are many reasons people seek therapy (also known as counseling). Maybe it’s because they’re going through difficult life transitions, experiencing unbearable grief, struggling in their relationships, or stressed out about life. Other reasons people seek therapy is because they are uncertain of how to navigate overwhelming feelings, traumatic experiences, conflict within their family, their child’s big feelings or behaviors, or something else entirely. Gone are the days when therapy is just for…
4 Reasons to Seek Couples Therapy
Relationships are hard work. This is often easy to forget in the beginning when the relationship is fresh and new. So often we become involved with others and think that because we love them, that is enough to conquer all. Love is amazing and it is wonderful to be in love with another person. We often forget that relationships live on more than love. We need communication, connection, compassion, forgiveness, and love to make a relationship work. It usually isn’t until we start struggling in our relationship that we realize this. It can be very difficult to accept when our relationship may be unhealthy. This is even more true in…
4 Strategies to Help Reduce Test Anxiety
From LEAP testing to taking the ACT or final exams, testing will be in full swing as we draw closer to the end of the school year. During times of testing, anxiety levels for students and teachers can increase. It’s stressful for students who want to do well and teachers who want their students to be able to show mastery of concepts they’ve been working on all year with their students. If your child begins to have test anxiety, here are a few strategies that might help them feel a little less anxious. 1. Put the Test in Perspective The first thing to do is to help your child put…
3 Reasons to Consider Online Therapy
Have you ever thought about talking to a counselor or mental health professional? If so, then online therapy could be a way to get the help you need from the comfort of your own home. Here are 3 reasons to consider online therapy. This year has been tough. And if a pandemic wasn’t enough, add two hurricanes, winter weather, and life struggles into the mix, and naturally stress levels go up. When everything shut down last year, to help individuals navigate the uncertainty and emotions of this new reality online therapy moved to the forefront of mental health care. Before COVID, online therapy (also called teletherapy) was starting to become…
Love the One You’re With
When February 1st hits, we know Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us. Walk into any store and you will see flowers, boxed chocolate hearts, and “I love you” cards, reminding us that “love day” is coming. Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year that reminds you to love the one you’re with. Yet, this shouldn’t be the only day of the year that we acknowledge and show love to your partner. Love your partner. Being intentional about finding ways to show your partner they matter each day of the year can go a long way in making your relationship deeper and more meaningful. Unfortunately, as a relationship…
Managing Holiday Stress
The holiday season can be a fun time for individuals and families. It often brings people together in celebration. But, with all the joy a holiday season can bring, it can also lead to stress and overwhelm. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by all the holiday joy, pay attention to how you feel. Protecting your mental health during the holiday season is important. To manage holiday stress: Prioritize The first step in managing holiday stress is to get clear on your priorities this holiday season. Is it having memorable experiences with your family? Is it to show your coworkers how much you appreciate them? Or, it’s spending time honoring…