Restoring Balance After a Manic Episode
Experiencing a manic episode can be overwhelming, but with the right approach, it is possible to regain balance and reconnect with your true self. By following the steps outlined in the acronym R.E.S.T.O.R.E., you can embark on a journey of recovery and find your way back to a balanced and fulfilling life. Reach Out to a Therapist: The first step towards reclaiming yourself after a manic episode is to seek professional help. Reach out to your mental health professional or psychiatrist to discuss your experience and develop a plan for recovery. They can provide guidance, adjust medications if necessary, and offer therapy or counseling options tailored to your needs. Establish…
The Significance of Self-Forgiveness for Mental Health
Forgiveness is a crucial act in moving forward for better mental health. It is about letting go, and a powerful journey towards personal transformation. It is through forgiveness that we find freedom from the weight of guilt, allowing us to grow and evolve into better versions of ourselves. Self- forgiveness provides us with an opportunity to grow, inner peace, and the ability to recognize our true value and self worth as human beings. Using the acronym FORGIVE, let’s look at the importance of self forgiveness for improved mental health. F: Freedom O: Opportunity R: Release G: Growth I: Inner Peace V: Value E: Empowerment Freedom: Releasing Guilt and Self Blame…
5 Tips to Reduce Summer Stress
Summer can be a fun time for children and families, but it can also be stressful when kids are out of school. Summers are supposed to be about vacation, water sports, ice cream, and other fun outdoor activities with your children and family. However, when routines are disrupted, and kids become bored it can lead to a more stressful experience. Parents must find their children activities to engage in or find somewhere for their children to go. Summer activities can be hard to find and very expensive. This can all lead to an increase in stress for the entire family. Here are some ways to deal with summer stress when…
Getting Mentally Prepared for College
Preparing for college can be an exciting and challenging time. The months between high school graduation and starting college can often be filled with highs and lows emotionally and mentally. It can be scary to prepare for possibly moving away from home for the first time. There are so many things to think about, such as decorating a dorm or apartment, worry about finances, and fears about meeting new people. It can be overwhelming even with a lot of support from family and friends. Here are some steps to get mentally prepared for college: Develop a positive mindset College can be an intimidating experience, but it is important to approach…
Mental Health and First Responders
First responders work hard to protect our communities and maintain our safety. Their work often involves engaging in very stressful and traumatic situations. They often encounter difficult situations many times a day. Frequent encounters with those struggling with mental health issues can cause compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue is a mental response to helping others in stress. These encounters can also create misconceptions about individuals with mental health challenges. Misconceptions can create a stigma surrounding seeking mental health support for first responders. Even though a stigma exists, many first responders struggle with mental health difficulties. Reports show 85% of first responders have experienced symptoms of mental health disorders. Depression and PTSD…
Escaping the Avoidance Trap
When the summer heat made its way into town this year, I was excited about getting to cool off in my above ground pool. But, there was a problem. The pool was a murky, dark lagoon of sticks, leaves, and algae. Plus, it smelled terrible. Now if you are thinking, “How did she let her pool get that bad?” Please know, it’s a question I asked myself many times. The truth is the pool didn’t turn into a murky mess overnight. It was a slow progression over a period of 10 months. It all started with me missing cleaning it once one week which turned into two weeks then two…
5 Benefits of Premarital Counseling
Deciding who you will spend the rest of your life with is one of the most serious decisions you will ever make. Planning a wedding requires a lot of time, energy, and money to get all of the details for your big day just right. However, planning for an actual marriage goes far beyond the wedding day. If you and your future spouse would like to build a love that lasts a lifetime, consider the following benefits to seeking premarital counseling: Provides an Opportunity to Address Issues Oftentimes, having necessary conversations about serious marriage topics can be uncomfortable and challenging for couples to navigate alone. Premarital counseling is a great…
Athletes and the Mental Game
Embracing a Mind-Body-Spirit Connection to Create Your Best Performance Why Did I Feel This Way? Not once in my training had I ever even come close to the required swim pace I would need for this race. IronMan regulations give you 1 hour and 10 minutes tops to complete the swim distance or you are not allowed to move on to the bike and run portion. My fastest time as of yet was something like 2 hours. The day before the race, I became completely depressed. Panic and hopelessness were close behind, and shut down wasn’t too far after. What had happened to all the courage I had felt? My…
4 Ways To Cope With Anxiety
Have you ever woken up and felt anxious? Almost like there is a weight on your chest that you can’t explain? You dread starting the day and want to crawl back in bed and hide from the world around you. Do you find it hard to cope with anxiety? This is the whisper (or yell) of anxiety trying to creep its way in. In my own life and work as a therapist, I have found that anxiety, in some form or fashion, is something many people struggle with. With everything happening in the world, it’s not surprising. For some anxiety is debilitating, for others it is a small feeling that…
4 Reasons to Seek Couples Therapy
Relationships are hard work. This is often easy to forget in the beginning when the relationship is fresh and new. So often we become involved with others and think that because we love them, that is enough to conquer all. Love is amazing and it is wonderful to be in love with another person. We often forget that relationships live on more than love. We need communication, connection, compassion, forgiveness, and love to make a relationship work. It usually isn’t until we start struggling in our relationship that we realize this. It can be very difficult to accept when our relationship may be unhealthy. This is even more true in…