Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Letting Go of Stinkin’ Thinkin’
Are you having problems letting go of stinkin’ thinkin’? Do you ever find yourself caught up in stinkin’ thinkin’? This is when the voice inside your head is telling you everything that is going or could go wrong instead of what is going right. As these negative thoughts pile up, it can cause feelings of overwhelm or despair.
Everyday our inner voice is telling us things that are, quite honestly, not serving or helping us. Turns out, according to the National Science Foundation, we have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Let that sink in. I can’t even count that high! Out of those thoughts 80% of those thoughts are, you guessed it, negative. And 95% of those are repetitive. Which means those negative thoughts replay themselves over and over and over again like a broken record even if we are not fully aware of them.
What does this mean? Well, it means that in order to let go of these negative thoughts we need to be intentional about telling ourselves positive things that support us rather than hold us back.
Override Stinkin’ Thinkin’
One way to override stinkin’ thinkin’ is by challenging your thoughts. And here are some ways to do that.
- Be aware of what you are thinking.
- Remember, you don’t have to believe everything you think. Just because you think it, doesn’t mean it’s true or correct.
- Challenge your negative thoughts. Consider other perspectives. Sometimes you need to ask yourself: how do I know this is true? Is there evidence against this thought? Is this a fact or opinion? What would I say to someone else who was thinking this? What is the bigger picture? Challenging your negative thoughts helps you come to a more balanced way of looking at a situation.
- Let unhelpful thoughts go. Say only kind and positive things to yourself.
It Doesn’t Happen Overnight
The truth is learning to let go of negative thoughts doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of practice and consistency. But, by tackling your negative thoughts one at a time, you can begin to help shift your mindset which will in turn positively influence how you feel. This week I challenge you to practice letting go of stinkin’ thinkin’. Your future self thanks you!
By Christy Pennison, LPC-S