• summer mental health

    5 Strategies to Take Care of Your Mental Health This Summer

    When summer arrives, there’s often time for fun and freedom. The season also brings a break from our usual routines. However, it’s important to remember that taking care of our mental health is still important. By using some simple strategies, we can make sure to take care of our minds and make the most of this sunny (and hot) season. Embrace Nature and Sunshine Summer is full of opportunities to get out in nature.  You can enjoy it by getting on the water at one of the many lakes around CENLA, on the Cane River in Natchitoches, or hiking in the Kisatchie National Forest. Spending time in nature has been…

  • kids managing mental health for summer

    5 Tips to Reduce Summer Stress

    Summer can be a fun time for children and families, but it can also be stressful when kids are out of school. Summers are supposed to be about vacation, water sports, ice cream, and other fun outdoor activities with your children and family. However, when routines are disrupted, and kids become bored it can lead to a more stressful experience. Parents must find their children activities to engage in or find somewhere for their children to go. Summer activities can be hard to find and very expensive. This can all lead to an increase in stress for the entire family. Here are some ways to deal with summer stress when…

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