Move Forward In 2021
I don’t know about you, but I’m glad it’s 2021. If you’re like me, I’m sure you are ready to move forward in 2021. Especially after last year. There’s something about starting a new year that brings excitement and hope for what is to come. Many times a new year provides an opportunity to change the things in your life you may not be happy with. Which is why, many people make new year’s resolutions. But, if you are struggling to put one step in front the other, it may be a good idea to reflect on what you made it through in 2020. Reflection can often be the starting point to find ways to keep moving forward.
Now, you may be saying to yourself, “I don’t even want to think about 2020!” And if you feel that way, it’s okay. However, I am going to challenge you to engage in doing an end of the year reflection with me. Soren Kierkegaard once said, “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” By remembering and reflecting, you will be able to recognize all you have overcome in a year we won’t easily forget.
How do you move forward in 2021?
To start, take a pen and paper out and write down the questions I’m going to ask you to think about. Spend time answering them. There is no right or wrong answer. This is for you and you alone.
First, think about how you felt about this past year. On a scale from 1-10 how you feel about 2020? I know for me, it’s surprisingly a 7. Sure, I did not enjoy quarantine or the hurricanes, but 2020 brought some gifts I didn’t expect. For instance, I had more time at home with my daughter. I also went on many walks around my neighborhood with a close friend. Those moments are ones I cherish. What unexpected gifts did 2020 bring for you?
What advice would you give yourself?
If you could go back, what advice would you give yourself at the beginning of 2020? My advice to myself would be to keep going, be flexible, and not give up. There were many times I wanted to throw in the towel and call a timeout. Yet, life doesn’t give timeouts or do overs. Sometimes not having an option to stop can help us to get to places we would never have thought possible. Take a moment to think about what you would tell yourself in January 2020 to help you make it through this past year.
What lessons did you learn from 2020?
Then, ask yourself what were the three biggest lessons you learned? One lesson I learned was to value relationships. I didn’t realize how important connection with the people in my life was until I didn’t get a chance to see them. In 2021, I will be more intentional about spending time with those who are important to me. I try to remind myself, “When things get hard, look for the lesson.” We often miss opportunities to learn when it’s all sunshine and rainbows. It’s the rough seasons that can often teach us something if we are willing to look for it. What lessons are you taking from 2020?
What were you grateful for?
Next, pause for a second and think of what or who are you especially grateful for this past year? Who helped you make it through this year? Have you told them how much you appreciate them? If not, take a moment to call them up and let them know. Finding gratitude in the midst of the chaos is a great way to focus on what you have versus what you feel might be missing.
What are you looking forward to?
Finally, after you have reflected, I want you to look forward. Name three things you want to improve on in the coming year. What are things or habits you definitely don’t want a repeat of in 2021? Then set a goal or an intention about what you want to change, create, or do.
Let’s move forward in 2021!
Taking time to get clear on what you want to change will help you move forward. What actions can you take to work towards whatever goal you want to achieve? We don’t know what this year will bring. But, I encourage you to take time to reflect and set an intention for the year to come. Then, share it with someone. You never know, 2021 may be your best year yet! Happy new year!
*Article featured in January 2021 Cenla Focus Magazine.
Be Inspired Counseling & Consulting provides in-person counseling in Alexandria, Louisiana, and online counseling to individuals throughout the state of Louisiana. Our team of compassionate clinicians are here to help! Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our clinicians Elizabeth Beebe or Christy Pennison today!