• medication

    Should I Take Medication For My Mental Health?

    Depending on who you talk to, this question could have a lot of different answers.  While some folks can answer this question for themselves with a very easy yes or a very easy no, others find themselves somewhere in between, and are not so sure about what path they want to take.  While this article will in no way attempt to answer that question for you and your unique circumstances, it will give you a few things to think about as you are making this very important decision for your mental health. What is psychotropic medication? Firstly, when we talk about medication for your mental health, we are usually referring…

  • athlete running up a hill

    Athletes and the Mental Game

    Embracing a Mind-Body-Spirit Connection to Create Your Best Performance Why Did I Feel This Way? Not once in my training had I ever even come close to the required swim pace I would need for this race.  IronMan regulations give you 1 hour and 10 minutes tops to complete the swim distance or you are not allowed to move on to the bike and run portion.  My fastest time as of yet was something like 2 hours.   The day before the race, I became completely depressed.  Panic and hopelessness were close behind, and shut down wasn’t too far after.  What had happened to all the courage I had felt?  My…

  • Women sitting in a therapy session. Therapy is for everyone at Be Inspired Counseling & Consulting.

    Therapy is for Everyone

    Over the past decade in my work as a therapist, I have had the privilege to talk with people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences.  Through my interactions with others, I have realized therapy is for everyone.  There are many reasons people seek therapy (also known as counseling).  Maybe it’s because they’re going through difficult life transitions, experiencing unbearable grief, struggling in their relationships, or stressed out about life. Other reasons people seek therapy is because they are uncertain of how to navigate overwhelming feelings, traumatic experiences, conflict within their family, their child’s big feelings or behaviors, or something else entirely.  Gone are the days when therapy is just for…

  • A girl writing about how to move forward in 2021.

    Move Forward In 2021

    I don’t know about you, but I’m glad it’s 2021.  If you’re like me, I’m sure you are ready to move forward in 2021. Especially after last year.  There’s something about starting a new year that brings excitement and hope for what is to come.  Many times a new year provides an opportunity to change the things in your life you may not be happy with.  Which is why, many people make new year’s resolutions.  But, if you are struggling to put one step in front the other, it may be a good idea to reflect on what you made it through in 2020.  Reflection can often be the starting…

  • Family decorating the Christmas tree. Managing holiday stress is important to avoid overwhelm.

    Managing Holiday Stress

    The holiday season can be a fun time for individuals and families. It often brings people together in celebration. But, with all the joy a holiday season can bring, it can also lead to stress and overwhelm. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed by all the holiday joy, pay attention to how you feel. Protecting your mental health during the holiday season is important. To manage holiday stress: Prioritize The first step in managing holiday stress is to get clear on your priorities this holiday season. Is it having memorable experiences with your family? Is it to show your coworkers how much you appreciate them? Or, it’s spending time honoring…

  • Woman looking at phone comparing herself to someone else.

    How to Let Go of Comparisons

    Have you ever been on social media and saw someone’s post and thought, “I wish I was…. I wish I had (fill in the blank)….. like (fill in someone’s name)?” Most of us have all been there at some point. We scroll through our social media feeds and look at how others’ lives seem to be. Then, we start making comparisons. We think to ourselves, “Well they seem to have the perfect children, marriage, job, career, life…” you name it. Then you become frustrated, upset, or jealous because you are not where they are or you don’t have what they have. Learning to let go of comparisons Look, I get…

  • Excessive or loss of sleep can be a symptom of depression. Girl laying on bed.

    Online Therapy for Depression

    If you are feeling depressed, you may wonder if online therapy is right for you. There are many benefits of online therapy for depression. Finding help can often be the turning point to help you get from hopeless to hopeful. What is depression? We all go through various struggles, losses, or events in our life, leading us to feel down, sad, or overwhelmed. However, depression is more than just feeling down. Depression can change how you think, feel, and act in your day to day life.  It causes feelings of hopelessness or despair that won’t go away, inferring with your ability to work, sleep, eat, engage with others, and enjoy…

  • Man journaling feelings. Journaling can be a way to make sense of your thoughts and feelings.

    Journal Through a Pandemic

    When you’re stuck at home during a pandemic, where does your time go?   A recent statistic stated the average number of hours Americans are streaming videos through mediums such as Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube is approximately 8 hours a day.  Think about that for a moment: 8 hours a day!  Kind of shocking right?  In fact, Netflix added 15.77 million more subscribers globally this quarter, many of them added after the onset of quarantine.   During this time it’s important to spend time unwinding.  If streaming the latest video series helps you do that, then that’s okay.  However, if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed, streaming shows can become…

  • Lady working from home. Learning to work from home can be challenging. Here are a few suggestions.

    Strategies for Working From Home

    If you have been working for home over the past several weeks and have had some difficulty “getting in the swing of things”, just know it takes time to adjust to a new reality or routine.  Working from home can be a great way to maintain social distancing while also being able to work.  However, working for home is not without its challenges.  Here are some strategies for working from home that may help you during this transition. Take Time to Exercise  In times of increased stress, it’s important to give your body opportunities to release tension.  One way of doing this is by exercise.  Just taking a walk outside…

  • Man leaning against wall struggling with anxious thoughts.

    How to Challenge Anxious Thoughts

    Do you ever experience anxious thoughts you can’t escape?  You are not alone.  Many times we can get wrapped up in our head with our thoughts spinning out of control.  And, instead of trying to find a way out or forward, we often dig down deeper into a hole of no return.  When you find yourself struggling with anxiety, go back to your ABCs and take a moment to reflect about your situation before you react.  Attention Notice what your mind is saying.  The first step to being able to figure out everything that’s going on is to just start by noticing what you are actually thinking.  Write your thoughts…

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